
Is Dalia good for weight loss?

Table of Contents

  • What is Dalia? 

  • How is Dalia Beneficial for Weight Loss? 

  • What are the Useful Properties of Poha? 

  • Various Ways to Consume Dalia 

  • Dalia Recipes for Weight Loss 

  • Conclusion – Is dalia good for weight loss?

What is Dalia?

 Is dalia good for weight loss – Im sure you are reading this blog to find the answer to this question!

Dalia, also known as cracked wheat or bulgur wheat, is a cereal grain made from whole wheat kernels that have been cleaned, parboiled (partially cooked), dried, and then cracked into various sizes. It is a popular food in many parts of the world, especially in India and the Middle East, and is known for its versatility and nutritional benefits. 

Dalia is commonly used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. It can be cooked with water or milk to make a creamy porridge, similar to oatmeal or cream of wheat, and it is often flavored with spices, vegetables, and herbs. Savory versions of Dalia can include vegetables, spices, and sometimes meat or legumes. 

One of the key benefits of Dalia is its high fiber content, which can aid in digestion and promote a feeling of fullness. It is also a good source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained energy, and it contains essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and protein. 

Dalia is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various recipes, making it a healthy addition to your diet. It’s often considered a wholesome and nutritious choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

How does Dalia help in Weight Loss?

Dalia is good for weight loss. If you are on a weight loss journey, then dalia is just the right choice for weight loss, below you will find a few reasons how dalia will help in hasting the weight loss process. 

1. Dalia is Low in Calories

Dalia is relatively low in calories compared to many other grains. It provides a substantial amount of nutrition for fewer calories, making it a satisfying choice for those looking to lose weight. Hence dalia for weight loss is a great option. 

2. Dalia is a Good Source of Fibre

Dalia is rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial for weight loss. Fiber adds bulk to your meals, promoting a feeling of fullness and satiety. This can help you eat less overall, reducing calorie intake. Hence dalia for weight loss is great. 

3. Dalia has a High Protein Content

Dalia contains a moderate amount of protein, which is important for weight loss. Protein helps preserve muscle mass while you lose fat, and it also promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the desire to overeat, so dalia for weight loss is a great go to option. 

4. Dalia is a Good Source of Vitamins & Minerals

Dalia is a source of essential vitamins (especially B vitamins like niacin, thiamin, and folate) and minerals (such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus). When you consume Dalia, you’re getting essential nutrients without excess calories, hence dalia for weight loss is good along with being nutrient dense.

5. Dalia is Easy & Slow to Digest

The complex carbohydrates in Dalia are slowly digested, leading to a gradual and sustained release of energy. This can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of sudden hunger and cravings for high-calorie foods, so you see dalia for weight loss is amazing and helps in easy digestion. 

6. Dalia is Versatile in Nature

Dalia is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. This makes it easy to incorporate into your diet in a way that suits your taste preferences and dietary needs, so you must include dalia for weight loss journey. 

To make the most of Dalia for weight loss: 

  • Choose plain, unflavored Dalia to avoid added sugars or excessive calories. 

  • Prepare it with minimal or no added fats. Steaming or boiling Dalia is a healthy cooking method. 

  • Combine Dalia with plenty of vegetables and lean protein sources to create balanced and nutritious meals. 

  • Practice portion control to ensure you’re not overeating, even when consuming healthy foods. 

Remember that while Dalia can be a valuable part of a weight loss plan, overall success in managing your weight also depends on factors such as regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and individual dietary preferences and needs. Consult with a healthcare or nutrition professional for personalized guidance on using Dalia as part of your weight loss journey. 

What are the Various ways to consume Dalia for weight loss?

Dalia can be prepared in various delicious and nutritious ways for weight loss. Here are some methods to consume Dalia in your weight loss journey: 

1. Dalia Porridge

Cook Dalia with water or milk (preferably low-fat or plant-based milk) to create a creamy porridge. Add a touch of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon for flavor. This can be a satisfying and filling breakfast option.

2. Savory Dalia

Prepare savory Dalia by sautéing it with vegetables like carrots, peas, and beans. Add spices like cumin, turmeric, and coriander for flavor. You can enjoy this as a healthy lunch or dinner option. 

3. Dalia Upma

Make Dalia upma by tempering it with mustard seeds, curry leaves, and chopped vegetables. It’s a flavorful and filling dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast or a light meal. 

4. Dalia Khichdi

Prepare a nutritious khichdi by combining Dalia with moong dal (split green gram), vegetables, and mild spices. It’s a wholesome and balanced meal option. 

5. Dalia Salad

Create a Dalia salad by mixing cooked Dalia with chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and fresh herbs. Drizzle with a light vinaigrette dressing for added flavor. 

6. Dalia Soup

Use cooked Dalia as a base for soups. Add vegetables, herbs, and spices to create a hearty and low-calorie soup that’s perfect for weight loss. 

7. Dalia Pulao

Make Dalia pulao by cooking it with vegetables, spices, and a small amount of oil. It’s a tasty and satisfying one-pot meal. 

8. Dalia Idly or Dosa

Incorporate Dalia into your South Indian breakfast favorites by adding it to idly or dosa batter. It enhances the nutrition of these dishes. 

9. Dalia Smoothie

Blend cooked and cooled Dalia with your favorite fruits, yogurt, and a touch of honey or a sweetener for a healthy and filling smoothie. 

10. Dalia Kheer

Create a healthier version of kheer (Indian rice pudding) by using Dalia instead of rice. Cook it with milk, cardamom, and a sweetener of your choice. 

Remember to keep only good fats in controlled amount so as natural sweeteners jaggery also keep to the minimum when preparing Dalia for weight loss. Focus on using healthy cooking methods and incorporating plenty of vegetables and lean protein sources to create balanced and nutritious meals. Portion control is also essential to ensure you’re consuming an appropriate number of calories for your weight loss goals. 


Some Useful properties of Dalia for weight loss

1. Dalia is a Good Source Of Fiber 

Dalia is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help improve digestion, prevent constipation, and promote feelings of fullness, hence dalia aids in weight loss.So you know is dalia good for weight loss or not.

2. Dalia is Rich in Protein

Dalia is not only good for weight loss but also a good source of plant-based protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles and tissues in the body. Also, it helps repair cells and prevents our bodies from free radicals, along with aiding in weight loss. 

3. Dalia is Low In Calories

Dalia is a low calorie food and high in fiber, which can help you feel full for longer and prevent overeating. It is also low in fat which helps control cholesterol levels in the body.

4. Dalia is Rich In Carbohydrates 

Dalia is also a good source of carbohydrates that works as fuel for the body to perform various functions and keeps you active all day long. It also converts stored fat into energy that helps you get rid of those extra pounds, so you see for yourself -Is dalia good for weight loss. 

5. Dalia has Low Glycemic Index 

Dalia has a low glycemic index, which means it releases sugar into the blood streams slowly and can help regulate blood sugar levels. This can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes or those who are trying to maintain stable blood sugar levels.Hence now you know is dalia good for weight loss and how. 

6. Dalia is Rich In Nutrients  

Dalia is good for weight loss as its, rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, iron, and zinc, which are essential for overall health. It also contains essential nutrients for kids that protect them from diseases, build immunity and help them grow. 

7. Dalia is Gluten-Free 

Is Dalia good for weight loss?

Well dalia is naturally gluten-free, hence a great substitute for a gluten-free diet. However, it is the best alternative for gluten sensitivities or celiac allergies. 

Note: Overall, dalia is a nutritious and healthy food that can be incorporated into a balanced diet to stay healthy and fit. It offers several health benefits and c an help support overall health and well-being. 

Recipes of Dalia for weight loss

Dalia for weight loss has not only several benefits, but super tasty, when cooked healthily as its low in glycemic index too. 

So lets explore my 2 most favourite recipes of dalia for weight loss benefits. 

1. Vegetable Dalia Khichdi 


  • Dalia- 1 cup
  • Ghee – 2tbsp
  • Cumin(whole)- 1 tsp
  • Mustard seed (whole)-1tsp
  • Turmeric- 1tsp
  • Cashew nut/peanut- 1 fistful
  • Chopped mixed vegetables- 1 cup
  • Onion (chopped)-1
  • Green chillies (chopped)-1 to 2
  • Lime juice- 1 tbsp
  • Chopped coriander-for garnish
  • Salt & Garam masala- to taste 


  1. This is a very simple vegetable dalia recipe for weight loss. It is quick and filling. It is a great breakfast dish but can be eaten for lunch or dinner as well. The best thing about it is that it is flexible and can be tweaked for the best possible taste! 

  1. Roast one cup of dalia for a few minutes over a low flame or until light brown in colour. Once roasted, take it off the heat and set aside. 

  1. Use a pressure cooker to heat 2 tablespoons of ghee. Heat should be maintained at medium flame. 

  1. Add a teaspoon each of mustard seeds and cumin once oil is sufficiently hot. 

  1. Once they start to ‘pop’ or ‘crackle’, add cashews and peanuts according to taste (optional). 

  1. Next, add about a cup of chopped onion. Add 1-2 green chillis or according to taste. Saute until onions turn a light brown in colour. 

  1. Add vegetables. You can experiment with your favourite veggies to see what works best. Saute the veggies for approximately 4 minutes or until cooked. 

  1. Add dalia into the pressure cooker. 

  1. Next, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add salt and garam masala (optional) to taste. Mix well. 

  1. Pour one and a half cup of water into the cooker. Use more water if you prefer a runny consistency. Mix everything once again and close the pressure cooker with its lid. 

  1. Maintaining a medium flame, cook until two whistles of the cooker. 

  1. Use a little lemon juice and coriander for garnish and enjoy! 

2. Sweet Dalia Porridge

Sweet cravings are inevitable even when on a diet! This simple and healthy dalia recipe for weight loss is low in sugar and thus, is good for diabetic patients as well. It is also a great dessert that children will enjoy! 


  • Ghee-1tbsp
  • Dalia- ½ cup
  • Milk- ½ cup
  • Jaggery- to taste
  • Chopped Cahewnut, almond & raisins- ½ cup
  • Cardamon/Elaichi powder- 1tsp 


  1. Heat one tablespoon of ghee in a heavy bottom pan or pressure cooker. 

  1. Maintaining medium heat, add half a cup of dalia. 

  1. Roast well for 2-4 minutes while stirring continuously until it turns light brown in colour. 

  1. Add one and half cups of water and mix well. 

  1. Cook for up to six minutes or pressure cook until soft. 

  1. Add one and a half cups of milk. 

  1. Add jaggery to taste  

  1. Allow it to simmer or lightly boil on a medium to low flame for 8-9 minutes while stirring occasionally. 

  1. Add elaichi, chopped cashews, almonds , raisins and cinnamon (optional) according to taste. Keep stirring every now and then. 

  1. Let it simmer for another minute or two. Serve hot and enjoy! 

Conclusion - Is Dalia Good for Weight Loss?

Is Dalia good for weight loss –  can be concluded with a few pointers : 

  1. Dalia is a nutritional powerhouse that can be a valuable ally in our weight loss journey. This versatile grain offers a host of benefits, making it a popular choice among those seeking to shed extra pounds. 

  1. Dalia’s low calorie content, high fiber, and complex carbohydrates make it a low glycemic food hence filling and satisfying addition to our diet.  

  1. Dalia promotes feelings of fullness, helping us to control our appetite and reduce overall calorie intake. 

  1. Dalia’s slow-digesting carbohydrates provide a steady source of energy, and low & safe glycaemic index preventing energy crashes and cravings for unhealthy snacks. 

  1. Dalia is rich in protein, Dalia supports muscle maintenance during weight loss and enhances satiety. It’s also a nutrient-dense grain, packed with essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to your overall health and vitality. 

Dalia’s versatility makes it easy to incorporate into your meals, whether you prefer sweet or savory dishes. You can prepare it as a wholesome porridge, a flavorful khichdi, a hearty soup, or a nourishing salad—there are endless possibilities to explore. 

So Im sure after almost coming to the end of this article you must be sure to know “Is Dalia good for weight loss” or not?? 

Ultimately, Dalia is more than just a weight loss aid; it’s a wholesome and nutritious grain that can contribute to your overall well-being. So, embrace the versatility and health benefits of Dalia as you embark on your weight loss journey, and enjoy the delicious flavors and nourishment it brings to your table. 

Written by Ananya Bhattacharya (M.Sc in Food & Therapeutic Nutrition) 

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